Research Hubs provide the longitudinal evidence of dual impact! 

Our ecosystem is the host and support environment for the Dual Impact Collaboration Model (DICM); built with senior leaders within crown and public procurement to transform how social value underpins a dual impact within communities.

Our ecosystem's Dual Impact Research Hubs provide data gathering and evaluation with longitudinal measurement and reporting for the DICM partners, showcasing the socioeconomic impact achieved. 

Regionally Harvesting Data

With our own independent network of Dual Impact Research Hubs we can monitor the evolution of dual impact deep within communities our ecosystem supports.

For buyers and business suppliers, this offers a fresh alternative to the static evaluation and acceptance of social value and impact. By collecting a full-picture view of socioeconomic data we can present a neutral picture of the reality, then share this to help shape policy and practice within the DICM across 45 UK territories.

Business Social Value/Impact Reporting

We invite business members to share their own social value and impact data they report into public bodies.

Although businesses self-assess their social value and impact, and this is unvalidated within communities in terms of impact, the data plays a major role in informing a balanced research and is already being fed regularly by businesses into into established social value portals.

Public Sector Data Harvesting

Through freedom of information and following GDPR with public bodies, we collect valuable impact data.

Always mindful of sensitivities and the law protecting data sharing, we collect data from criminal justice and health, and the end-to-end costings linked to services and other socioeconomic impact data (precluding personal or identity based data).

University Members

Our Dual Impact Research Hubs network utilises the expertise of academics from within our ecosystem's university membership across the UK.

Each Hub operation is built as a social impact service to support the objectives of the DICM, sponsored as social value by business members supplying into police, councils, NHS, fire & rescue and criminal justice. 

We use these insights to build engagement and trust within UK communities...

Winning community hearts and minds is our focus, we share insights and build trust in change which is happening. 

We want communities to embrace and celebrate the activities and change taking place around them - also to see the businesses investing social value, and the public services demonstrating a Social Return on Public Investment.