In 2014, we created an ecosystem approach linking business marketing with community impact... 

Our founding shareholder Jaysco Holdings first launched their Activ8Change (later renamed Pluggin)  ecosystem model in Nigeria, created for federal and state governments to support NGOs for socioeconomic development. 

Over a decade, the model evolved into a tech-enabled environment connecting NGOs over 3 continents. In 2015 and again in 2020, the model adapted to consider global challenges such as: war and resettlement, later-on Ebola and then Covid-19.

Our Timeline...

2014 - West Africa

Jaysco established the Activ8Change (now Pluggin) model inside Nigeria - creating a range of 4 services for international brands to access and geographically sponsor NGO-led community development.

The model evolved quickly and into other nations (Ghana, Uganda, Sudan, South Africa) connecting public and private sector finance into NGOs through a (version 1) digital Social Impact Register®

This new brand marketing approach to Corporate Social Responsibility led to a new regional socioeconomic development model which is seen today inside communities. 

2016 - Expansion

Over the next 4 years, links to different governments and international agencies were created in West and Southern Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia.

Renamed "Pluggin" the model become an ecosystem linked by technology, a central vehicle for countries to connect-in international brands and align these to NGOs - with Jaysco shaping better brand  exposure and ROI for marketing teams. By 2020, the term ESG had become a global corporate focus, which meant brands and governments could link into the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2021 - Covid & Beyond

During the long months of global lockdown, Jaysco maintained its ecosystem support digitally for NGOs; training and development support through the ecosystem's Social Impact Register®.

Work started to examine what a post-covid world might look like for registered NGOs/charities, businesses, public sector and governments.

In January 2021, Jaysco launched the Pluggin social enterprise ecosystem in the UK, retaining a scaled-down support for African NGOs. 


Behind the Pluggin Ecosystem...

A dedicated shareholder director team manages and leads the UK ecosystem, supported by enviable steering group to help keep things real and relevant.