Mobilise your civic university pledge within our ecosystem...

Membership connects your university expertise and resources into regions for the design, delivery and measurement of social impact.


Provide live-learning between curriculum & communities. 


Join regional impact research to shape public policy & practice.


Connect students into public, private & 3rd sector employers.  

Our ecosystem is regionally harnessing the commitments and resources from UK universities...

Be a university which is visibly tackling local and regional issues, inside communities!

Join the UK's first social impact ecosystem, regionally connect your staff and students to seamlessly deploy their knowledge & expertise into communities as part of evolving socioeconomic impact.

Our ecosystem's digital environment underpins connectivity.

Our technology helps your staff and students search, connect, engage and mobilise within communities - all visible within your region & the UK.

Our dedicated regional communications build engagement.

As socioeconomic impact evolves within regions, we share unique insights with communities, including your contributions.

Universities play a key impact research role for regions within our ecosystem.

Social impact sits as a 6th pillar of the ecosystem, you can play a role in helping regional public procurement see and recognise supplier social value.

Our ecosystem regionally underpins public sector strategic objectives. 

As a civic university member you directly contribute to how communities collaborate with central and local government to shape long-term investment.

We're creating a powerful new dimension for regional development!

By regionally connecting universities, we can harness powerful student knowledge exchange into community organisations and their activities - giving academia a unique immersive learning and community impact opportunity. 

To achieve this, we've created a University Membership:

Live Learning

For over a decade, we've pioneered student live-learning inside 3rd sector operations

Here, member universities can connect curriculum into our live communities within the ecosystem.

Lecturers can build live-learning into a wide variety of their courses, with links established inside community organisations for practicing the theory as WRL - boosting Graduate Outcomes.

Regional Research

We've established regional impact research within our ecosystem.

Here, member universities can join independently funded research within the ecosystem for projects/commissions.

This is an exclusive research source for academics and students to design their own research and apply for funding, or join a funded regional research project.

Student Placements

We've established an enviable business, 3rd sector and public sector community inside our ecosystem.

Here, member universities have a regional access to this community within our ecosystem, from which to develop Placements which are subject-relevant and located near to when students live within the UK.

We're also enhancing HE Procurement...

Within  the ecosystem we're helping universities to harness their supplier social value within procurement - to add-onto the wider public procurement approach to social value as a new economic support for communities.

By connecting your university into our ecosystem, you're mobilising your civic pledge, enhancing your teaching & learning, engaging in research and using your supply chain to make a difference.

Talk to us today about how to join the Pluggin Ecosystem in your region.

University Membership...