Since 2014, we've used technology to develop, support and promote impact collaborations. 

Our digital environment is called the Social Impact Register. 

Using the latest in technology to enable charities & social enterprises to collaborate with businesses, also means that everything is visible to public procurement in real-time, through mobile devices or from an office PC. 

The Social Impact Register is available through mobile devices or via a desk PC, for members share updates and insights.

It takes seconds to post content for your followers; upload a video, share links to external web/socials or even create a post.

Within dedicated regional communities, content is visible 24/7 to all ecosystem members; building real engagement.

More Visible

Our Dual Impact Collaboration Model regionally connects social value across public procurement bodies; showing contract social value within our digital Social Impact Register.

Share Impact Stories...

There's nothing more powerful (and believable) than impact told through short video stories.

We help our ecosystem members create and share their stories to build awareness and engagement; members upload digital content from mobile devices to share their updates and insights within and across the ecosystem.

Impact stories build a following...

Find, Connect and Collaborate...

Businesses want to quickly search for and connect with activity or organisations for social value!

Our powerful AI search functionality enables our business members to quickly drill-into regions and find key community activities wand the providers delivering impact. Technology also supports how they create community links, and show these to UK procurement audiences.

No more going out cold into communities...

Digital Communities...

It's great to go where people are doing great things and join-in...

We provide regional communities of practice for all members to join, which provide a real-time lens into what's happening out on the ground; ecosystem members can move around and instantly connect where it matters most to them.

Location, geography, audience group...

We are proud to count Fuse Universal as our technology partner, they've supported us since 2018.