Built with and for UK communities, our ecosystem connects what works, supports locally led activities and promotes the results... far and wide!

Communities hold the key to solving local issues, and if supported over the long-term they will address the root causes.

Over the last decade, our UK ecosystem has evolved into a dynamic environment which connects community organisations with business networks, with support for public procurement to harness millions in contracted social value, whilst utilising the expertise and resources of universities.

Driving Social Value

Police, fire, council, NHS & CJS are regionally aligned to harness social value within procurement.

Building Capability

Charities & social enterprises are collaborating with businesses, building & growing impact provisions.

Connecting Brands

Regionally, business marketing aligns with impact collaborators deep within communities.

Knowledge Share 

Civic universities in regions play a direct role in community impact through shared student knowledge & research.

Key Research

Regional consolidation of impact measurement & research creating the evidence of transformation.

Raising Awareness

Sharing community-created and validated insights with residents, building local engagement & trust.

A nurturing approach keeps impact growing...

Any ecosystem needs careful attention, resources and collaboration in order for it to flourish. Which is why we operate FOUR dedicated support areas to support social impact evolution! 

We're harnessing taxpayer social value...

The UK spends £379 billion annually on goods and services through public procurement. Locked within this, under law, is the obligation to extract a social return on the investment for taxpayers - social value is real money.

Our ecosystem has been adapted to support the UK's public procurement community, a regional environment helping them all to target social value commitments then see WHERE & HOW business suppliers are contributing.