A full-circle support structure helps our members... 

Our members enjoy dedicated support when to delivering & promoting social impact!

Our Full-Circle support is a 4-prong approach dedicated to regionally promoting the real impact from inside communities. 

Award winning technology provides the Digital Environment and functionality which fully supports our members, whilst providing a real-time visibility of community impact as it evolves.

Regionally, our dedicated Film Unit supports the capture of community impact as stories; creating powerful digital content which engages communities and validates brand social value.

Our dedicated Communications Unit  regionally pushes digital content out through FOUR specific marketing channels to reach and engage local residents and public sector procurement audiences.

Regionally, our research collaborations with universities harvests longitudinal data to measure and report socioeconomic impact; insights and metrics to shape policy, practice and investment.

We want our communities to see, celebrate and trust... 

From inside the ecosystem we connect, capture, measure and promote unique regional insights and metrics - led by community charities and social enterprises.

See how we do this, and how you can benefit!

Our UK ecosystem is where it all happens...

Our ecosystem is purpose built to connect business social value with charities & social enterprises across the UK.

Inside this environment, charities & social enterprises collaborate with businesses, supported by public sector procurement and universities.