We're a social enterprise...

Through a communities-led UK ecosystem we support the evolution of social impact across regional stakeholder groups.

Social impact is embedded into our business model...

We operate commercially, but everything we do supports the evolution of communities transformation.

We run the ecosystem through a traditional membership model, charging businesses and universities an annual fee for access. As we grow our membership, we invest into the technology and support provided. 

We use proprietary IP to regionally harness, measure and showcase business social value without any admin dilution - Yes, we take nothing and 100% flows between business and community-based charities & social enterprises.

Our impact umbrella creates the focus and connects resources into FIVE challenges faced by all UK communities...

We're all about building on what communities need, supporting the sustainability of charity & social enterprise activities, and breaking down silos - encouraging businesses to think geographically and support one or many of the FIVE challenges communities face. 

Our Story

We began life in Africa

Back in 2014 we created a technology-enabled ecosystem system model to connect brands into communities. 

Our Team

We're quite a mixed bunch

Our ecosystem is led by a committed group of leaders with expertise, experience and commitment to changemaking.


We're a creative-led group

We're focused upon telling stories of real social from inside the UK communities being supported by businesses.