Placing public contracting central to building healthier, safer and more resilient communities...
Social value is missing the mark!
The Issue: Suppliers work in contract social value silos, meaning that geographically their support is not strategically aligned and these valuable resources are not underpinning the communities-led activities delivering dual impact.
The Issue: Contracting for a social value is not focused strategically across UK policing to guide suppliers for a dual impact, meaning that contract weighting and review of social value is not standardised or locally measured, set against localised activities building healthier, safer, and more resilient communities.
The Issue: Dual impact proven charity & social enterprise provisions are "dying on the vine", meaning that due to a lack of resources these key activities are closing-down within communities, despite being proven to reduce the cost burden to society.
The Dual Impact Collaboration Model
As a solution to this, we created the Dual Impact Collaboration Model with senior police and crown procurement leaders.
Our ecosystem carries the collaboration model into communities across the UK through public contracting, strategically aligning and showcasing supplier social value for a dual impact: Primary Impact being the sustainability of locally-led activities building healthier, safer and more resilient communities, Secondary Impact being the resultant cost reductions in frontline policing, NHS, council and criminal justice services.
Primary Impact
Geographically connecting businesses into the programmes/services proven to be building healthier, safer and more resilient communities;
Secondary Impact
The primary impact leading-onto tangibly reducing the frontline costs of policing, healthcare, social services and criminal justice..
Within 45 UK territories, the model focuses social value geographically for a dual impact. Our ecosystem also facilitating how public buyers within each territory, shape their approach to contracting and social value investments.
Exclusive to this model is our Social Purchase Order (SPO).
This is a digital process, a formal link-up between a supplier and one or more dual impact activities within a territory which is then submitted by a supplier, as part of their contract bid process. The SPO is then only formalised publicly once the contract is awarded by police, council, NHS, fire or criminal justice service.
A police-led approach to make contract social value geographic, strategic, effective and more publicly visible!
The Dual Impact Collaboration Model launched in 2023 with Thames Valley Police, and is now their vehicle for targeting contract social value to support local efforts for healthier, safer and more resilient communities.
Since January 2024, expanded to support 45 territories of the UK, the model is strategically led by senior procurement leaders, in line with the new Procurement Act and greater government scrutiny relating to achieving measurable reductions in taxpayer-financed frontline policing, community safety, NHS A&E and the criminal justice system.
Early police collaborators in 11 counties:
Very real benefits for public procurement teams...
Pressure is on public procurement to use the power of contracting to drive social value which delivers impact.
The collaboration model is FREE to join for every public procurement team, enabling them to play a support role in building healthier, safer and more resilient communities - which in turn cost taxpayers less to service.
Being a communities-led, social enterprise ecosystem we collaborate with and add-value to public procurement teams across the UK:
Your community-facing colleagues can connect-in the locally-led activities proven to deliver a dual impact
Digitally position the activities and providers, with impact insights, for suppliers to engage with.
Use the SPO to digitally validate and score all suppliers' committed Primary social value in your area.
Formally lock-in the SPO and specifics of social value to support dual impact within a supply contract.
The ecosystem helps you use the SPO to review HOW & WHERE social value is operating in real-time.
Use metrics from the ecosystem research to shape practice, help drive resources and grow dual impact.