We're a social impact community

Our unique ecosystem approach is transforming how business and communities engage for social impact.

Once upon a time in Africa...

The Pluggin business model was born in West Africa, back in 2014.

Jaysco founder Jay Baughan developed the model to connect business marketing as the sustainable funding for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) within Nigeria - brand impact marketing linking regional sales of international businesses to real social impact.

See who leads the pluggin ecosystem

Founding shareholder Jaysco Holdings used its pluggin model to establish a unique social enterprise, joining forces with 3 additional shareholder executive directors.

Jay Baughan

Chief Executive

Jay leads on Pluggin's strategic development and business growth.

Stan Millership

Executive Director

Stan leads on Pluggin's operational & technology development.

Beck Sprenger

Executive Director

Becky leads on external accreditation and quality assurance.

Nathan Dodzo

Executive Director

Nathan leads on Pluggin's film making and digital content production.

Impact Steering Groups:

The ecosystem support umbrella focuses upon FIVE core social impact areas, with expert-led Steering Groups who help shape impact.  

Safer Communities

An independent Steering Group consisting of violence reduction, community cohesion and criminal law specialists who provide strategic input and oversight of the impact being achieved.

Dean Coady OBE

Community Safety

Dean is a practice-based expert in UK street gangs & county lines.

Daniel Johnson

Youth Inclusion

Dan is an expert in music-centred youth inclusion & pathways.

Darryn Frost QGM

Criminal Justice

Darryn is an expert in prison leaver rehabilitation & employment.

Cllr. Mike Kasibo

Youth Cohesion

Mike is a social worker expert in community-led youth cohesion. 

Stephen Akinsanya

Criminal Law

Stephen is a senior UK barrister and expert in serious criminal cases.

Habib Rahman

Criminal Law

Habib is a solicitor & chair of a network of criminal law practices.  

Sport in Communities

An independent Steering Group consisting of sport-based community cohesion and development  specialists who provide strategic input and oversight of the impact being achieved.

James Wright

Mental Health

James is a community sport-based mental health expert coach.

Martin Murray

Violence Reduction

A former professional, Martin champions youth safeguarding.

Alex Matvienko

Violence Reduction

A former professional, Alex champions SEN & safeguarding.

Andre Arrisol 

Violence Reduction

Andre is a professional player and frontline youth safety coach.

Healthier Communities

An independent Steering Group consisting of community health and academic specialists who provide strategic input and oversight of the impact being achieved.

Neill Friedmann

Health Research

Neill brings a specialism in community health impact research.

Robert Juson FRSA

Healthy Futures

Rob brings a specialism in charity sector led community health. 

Dr. Roshni Khatri


Roshni brings a broad specialism in rehabilitation of neurological deficits.

Alternative Learning

An independent Steering Group consisting of specialists in community-led education provision for excluded, SEN and at-risk young people who provide strategic input and oversight of the impact being achieved.

Dr Abide Zenenga

Head Teacher

Abide is an alternative learning provision & SEN expert.

Suzan Issa PGCE


Suzan is an expert in parenting & education for neurodiversity. 

Joanna Garvey 

Head Teacher

Jo is a mainstream and specialist school education leader.


Gareth Lawrence


 Gareth is an expert in connecting STEAM subjects (STEM + Arts)

Creative Pathways

An independent Steering Group consisting of career pathway specialists through music, filmmaking and digital design who provide strategic input and oversight of the impact being achieved.

Daniel Johnson


Dan is an expert in music-centred employability pathways.

Robert Lambert


Rob is an expert in gaming-centred employability pathways. 

Nathan Dodzo FHEA


Nathan leads on Pluggin's filmmaking school and employability pathway.

John Donaghue


John is an expert in events with unique musical experiences.