Building a safer MK together

Compared to the national crime rate, Milton Keynes's crime rate is at 111%. Violent crime makes up 38.2% of all crimes reported in the postcode area - 7,600 between October 2022 and September 2023 (source:

Business social value harnessed into building a safer Milton Keynes...  

Building Safer Communities Together (BSCT) is a communities-led UK initiative, providing a collaboration and resourcing solution for Milton Keynes through the support of its elected & appointed officials.

BSCT is an ecosystem approach, a unique environment within which business suppliers to Thames Valley taxpayers are strategically connected into how communities become healthier, safer and more resilient.

Building on what already works...

BSCT underpins Milton Keynes' communities, pulling-together partnerships, programmes and passion for trying to build safer communities.

Within an ecosystem, charities & social enterprises are the solution; where a strategic public procurement approach targets and measures business social value through a single healthier, safer & resilient communities lens.

Connecting Public Procurement

Charity & Social Enterprise - Sustaining Impact

Across the Thames Valley region, BSCT thematically aligns charity & social enterprise programmes, and connects businesses into the long-term approach to sustain what works and deliver tangible social impact.

A dedicated ecosystem...

Since 2021, Pluggin has been building deep community links and relationships across Milton Keynes - populating our UK ecosystem.

Our ecosystem provides a powerful support to Milton Keynes charity & social enterprise providers, a unique support which will now help businesses utilise their existing marketing and social value budgets.

For MK communities, by MK communities...

BSCT is a communities-led approach to empower trusted charities & social enterprises to address the deeper issues from inside communities - where the local knowledge is based and resources can be tapped.

This provides a powerful support to Milton Keynes.

Meet the elected and appointed officials who helped establish and now are the leaders supporting BSCT in Milton Keynes.

See how BSCT works within Thames Valley, details of how the ecosystem harnesses social value for communities.

See how this all sits within Thames Valley