Local communities support their clubs, and the clubs support their communities... not just with words but with powerful actions!

There is robust evidence which pinpoints the cross-cutting value sports add to violence and crime reduction, education, employability and of course mental health. Through networks of club community organisations, the expertise and resources are in place for social impact.

This is why our ecosystem is supporting our business members to regionally connect-into clubs and sponsor community impact over the long-term.


A study from England Boxing shows how boxing is more successful than many other sports in re-engaging disaffected young people, addressing behavioural problems and putting people on a pathway to improved life chances.


Collectively, the network of EFL Club Community Organisations support over 840,000 young people a year, generating over Ā£865 million of social value across their full range of community initiatives, projects and programmes. 


Globally, basketball is established as a catalyst for positive change in society, acting as a safe outlet for kids with opportunities for personal growth and development through networks of clubs and via outreach within schools.

A support to sustain clubs' community impact!

Our environment provides clubs across the UK with a unique way to regionally sustain their provision with young people - connecting them regionally with businesses, the public sector and universities.

Our Technology - The Social Impact RegisterĀ®

First launched in 2014, our exclusive digital environment is where we connect-together businesses, public sector, universities and community organisations. From hosting digital content and updates, to facilitating business sponsorship and relationships, to tracking and promoting the insights our technology is helping sustain social impact across 12 regions of the UK.   

A New Social Value Economy

We've pioneered a UK collaboration with crown, public and private sector leaders to create a new regional social value economy - connecting and supporting businesses to use the power of their marketing spend across regions, establishing their brand social value deep inside community organisations within our ecosystem.

Building Safer Communities Together

Clubs' provisions are aligned with a UK strategic public sector initiative, called Building Safer Communities Together (BSCT). 

BSCT regionally connects clubs into the strategic approach to building safe communities, through the elected Crime Commissioners, public sector leaders and their procurement bodies.

See how this regionally connects hundreds of sport club community providers, creating a powerful and sustainable impact provision.

Storytelling & Regional Profile

We're driven by the power of storytelling to build awareness and engagement within communities. 

Our dedicated Film Unit digs deep into each of 12 regions of the UK to capture the insights from across sport-led activities, providing an unfiltered perspective which helps showcase social impact as it evolves.

Regionally, we share all of this out into communities to build awareness and engagement.

Top Table 

We're raising the profile of Sport Impact in Communities.

By collaborating with former professionals active in communities, and the sports bodies doing the same, we help drive public sector focus into long-term impact - the regional leverage needed for business social value sponsorship to flow-into clubs with proven community development credentials. 



Our support for ex: professional boxers who've established community organisations, raises awareness of the value boxing has in helping young people finding safety and direction.

First to join our Top Table with their organisations were:

Frank Bruno and his team at Frank Bruno Foundation, Amir King Khan and his team at Round 4 Round CIC, and Martin Murray and his team at Think Fast CIC.

Sport Bodies 

Our strategic approach with sport bodies harnesses new social value sponsorship for football and  boxing club organisations. These bodies help clubs connect into our support - over 1,000 club organisations who are embedded within some of the most deprived UK communities.

It's free to connect your organisation into our ecosystem!

Follow the link here to sign-up, and we'll take it from there.